Parallel Vienna – Judith Leupi & Toby Christian

26.09.2018 - 30.09.2018

Celine is ecstatic to present the work of Judith Leupi and Toby Christian at Parallel Vienna.

Both artists practice have an ongoing concern for the object detached from its original environment and function; overlooked details from everyday architecture and structure, with an interested in the surface and materiality. The various attempts of translation and the possibility of giving the subject a new formal idiom through each of their interventions generate the potential of a new reference space to the viewer.

Judith Leupi (born 1983, Switzerland) lives and works in Glasgow, her work has been shown in a number of exhibitions including, The Lauriston Arches, Glasgow; The Glue Factory, Glasgow; the Waterfront, Belfast; Raum für aktuelle Kunst, Lucerne; Gelbes Haus, Lucerne; Centre Pasquart, Biel;, Biel; Kunsthaus Langenthal; Sihlhalle, Zurich;  Project R.F.Z.K. Berne; Kunstmuseum Thun; Museé Jurassien des Arts, Moutier.

Toby Christian (born 1983, UK) lives and works in London. His books Collar and Measures are published by Koenig Books, London. Christian’s work has also been included in exhibitions at the Bloomberg Space, London; Gasworks, London; The Freud Museum, London; The Royal Academy of Arts, London; The Armory Show, New York; The Whitechapel Gallery, London; The Santander Cultural Centre, Porto Alegre, Brazil and The New Art Gallery, Walsall.


MUD: Organised by Hypothermia HQ – Dachi Cole, Candice Williams, Reba Maybury, Natasha Stagg & Clarinda Tse


Nightmares – Alex Rathbone, Urara Tsuchiya & Max Brand