Some Kinda Love – Andrew Gillespie, Ryan Kearney, Navi Kaur

12.10.19 - 17.11.19

Celine is excited to present Some Kinda Love, a new constellation of artworks and relationships by Andrew Gillespie. The exhibition explores his interest in attractions - to surfaces, images, objects, landscapes and people. Included in the exhibition is a text by curator Ryan Kearney and a film by Navi Kaur, both of whom work with Andrew on Recent Activity projects.

Ryan presents his current research into the history of queer spaces in Birmingham, whilst Navi presents Finding Faith in Space, a film originally shown in Recent Activity’s Nomadic Vitrine. This exhibition is part of an ongoing dialogue between artists and cities. In December, Gallery Celine will make an exhibition at Recent Activity, in Birmingham.

To realise this exhibition, Andrew has been generously supported by a Sculpture Production Award from The Pangaea Sculptors' Centre.


soft tissue tape launch


Passionate Acts in Virulent Times – Phyllis Christopher